Regional Development

EU Strategy for the Danube Region (SUERD) Experts Discussed about the System of Flood...

On September 24, experts of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) discussed about Moldovan flood protection system at the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction. Liviu Oboroc, Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Construction, National Coordinator of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region discussed with experts responsible for promoting initiatives under priority 4 (Recovery and maintenance of water quality) and 5 (Management of environmental risks) in Moldova, Hungary and Romania about the study of EUSDR member countries on floods in our country to intervene with the information necessary to complete the study.

Regional Development Partners Met in an Informal Meeting

A constructive discussion on regional development in Moldova was held today in Chisinau. The meeting was attended by the Minister of Regional Development and Constructions, Marcel Raducan and a number of important representatives of countries that provide financial support to our country.

The Czech Republic Announced the Approval of Financing for a New Regional Development Project...

The Czech Republic announced the approval of financing for a new regional development project in Moldova. The launch of the project, the potential beneficiaries, including other regional development cooperation activities with our country were discussed yesterday at the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC).

NFRD revaluation in the first months of 2014

63% of funds for completion of the regional development projects this year were capitalized in the first eight months of this year. Yesterday, 2 September 2014, it was discussed regarding the capitalization of the National Fund for Regional Development (NFRD), stages of project development, including efficient implementation issues, during the meeting of the National Coordination Council for Regional Development.

Iurie Leanca: Reducing disparities between regions is the basic principle of cohesion policy that...

Prim-ministrul Iurie Leancă a participat la inaugurarea celei de-a patra Conferinţe internaţionale privind depășirea disparităților regionale, care se desfăşoară la Chişinău, în perioada 21-22 mai 2014. În discursul său, Premierul a vorbit despre priorităţile de dezvoltare a Republicii Moldova, menţionând că

Valeriu Lazar: we are ready to move on to the next stage of regional...

After five years of practical implementation of regional development concept, we may find the creation of all legislative and institutional prerequisites for starting the next stage of the process, and nameley internationalization, and absorption of EU cohesion funds, said the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy, Valeriu Lazar within the international Forum 'Overcoming regional disparities', held in Chisinau, with representatives of over 20 countrie

Support materials of the 4th International Conference on Overcoming Regional Disparities

Background Papers: What kind of multi-level Governance arrangements should be put in place to ensure effective planning and programming for regional development? How to ensure effective project identification, prioritization and preparation for regional development? How can Regional Development policy best support economic dimension

Transnational cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and Romania under the EUSDR

Liviu Oboroc, Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Construction attended at the end of last week the meeting on 'Transnational cooperation within the EU Strategy for the Danube Region' (EUSDR) that took place in Iasi.

In Iasi was held a cross-border meeting within the EU Strategy for the Danube...

Dozens of representatives of local authorities, universities and civil society met on Friday in Iasi to take part in the meeting aimed at transnational cooperation between Romania and the Republic of Moldova, within the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR). The meeting was attended by Liviu Oboroc, Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Construction, directors of RDAs North, Center and South, as well as members of the Regional Development Councils from the Republic of Moldova.

Regional governance – from concept to practice

Today started the regional Seminar 'REGIONAL GOVERNANCE - FROM CONCEPT TO PRACTICE'. The workshop was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, specialists in strategic planning of RDA Center, North and South, representatives of public authorities, regional and local NGOs, and professors from the Academy of Public Administration and GIZ advisors.

Austria is willing to support regional development in the Republic of Moldova

Representatives of the Office of Cooperation Coordination for Development within the Embassy Austria to the Republic of Moldova propose a model of Moldovan-Austrian financial cooperation within Austrian scheme of soft loans. The subject was discussed today during an official meeting at the Ministry of Regional Development and Constructions (MRDC).

Development regions: from territorial boundaries to functional areas

Development regions are to exceed their understanding phase of simple areas larger than administrative-territorial units, spaces that supply what division on rayons cannot provide efficiently. In order for the development regions to operate in a compelling manner, the state strategy must put these regions at the head of the table, promoting regionalization reforms, that politically are quite cumbersome - the new administrative-territorial division, decentralization, urban development, transition from government to governance, implementation of some economic projects and not just in infrastructure, etc.