On 23 March, local public authorities (LPAs) level I and II from Hincesti, Ialoveni and Straseni rayons participated in an information session on the Call of Proposals for projects financed from the National Fund for Regional Development (NFRD) for 2017-2020.

The event was held in Ialoveni city and gathered over 70 potential beneficiaries of regional development projects from the three rayons mentioned above. The potential applicants to the NFRD for 2017-2020 welcomed the initiative to organise these information sessions.

Dorin Andros, the Ministry for Regional Development and Construction representative, told the invitees that the purpose of the meeting was to provide information on and to promote a transparent activity of the call of proposals. ‘We are providing you this information not for the sake of receiving as many applications as possible, but to receive quality projects with regional impact that would develop communities and eradicate regional disparities. The project notes submitted by you should fall under the following categories: road infrastructure, water supply and sanitation, solid waste management; business infrastructure development, enhancing tourist attraction and energy efficiency in public buildings. The Sector Regional Programmed (SRP) will serve as basis for the selection of projects. SRPs were developed with the support of the regional representatives, persons delegated by you from each rayon. Currently, there are 4 SRPs approved by the Regional Development Council Centre in the following sectors: road infrastructure, water supply and sanitation, environmental factors improvement and energy efficiency in public buildings. In tourism and business sectors projects will be selected corresponding to sector strategies’, MRDC representative added.

Anatolie Dimitriu, Ialoveni Rayon president proposed that the organisers present the successes of regional development in the central part of the country, as well as explain the procedure for the projects left without funding as a result of the previous two Calls of Proposals organised by the National Fund for Regional Development.

RDA Centre specialists informed the participants on the specifics and stages of the Call of Proposals: application deadlines, duration, rules, areas of intervention and eligible costs.

The interim director of RDA Centre, Eduard Ungureanu, urged the potential applicants to study the user guidelines, as well as all annexes which will help them to properly fill in the funding requests. ‘You will find all necessary information on our agency official website, at www.adrcentru.md. You will, also, find there the evaluation grid for applications submitted. Agency specialists are ready to provide assistance in case of certain unclarities in preparing the package for application’. The Centre RDA director showed the participants how to fill in the concept note and the complete funding request.

Local public authorities level I and II from Hincesti, Ialoveni, and Straseni, were, also, informed on the role and responsibilities of all parties involved in project implementation; duties and benefits of each party involved in the carrying out of regional development projects were specified as well.

The meeting concluded with a questions-answers session. Potential applicants showed great interest in attracting funds and development of communities from their region.

This workshop was part of an information session on the Call of Proposals for projects financed from NFRD for 2017-2020 for settlements from the Region Centre. On 21-30 March, similar workshops will be organised for all localities in the region.

The first event of this kind took place on 21 March in Rezina, organised for potential applicants from Rezina and Soldanesti. The next information session will take place in Nisporeni on 25 March for LPA representatives from Nisporeni, Ungheni, and Calarasi rayons.