North Regional Development Agency (North RDA) in partnership with the project ‘Modernization of Public Services in the Republic of Moldova’, implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ organized the workshop titled ‘Inter-municipal cooperation a tool for developing local public services ‘.

By conducting this workshop, the organizers sought to initiate a dialogue between local public authorities (LPA) of levels I and II in Development Region North for the development of cooperation for the joint provision of services of water supply and sanitation (WSS) in an effective and qualitative manner.

According to the Director of North RDA, Ion Bodrug the voluntary association of administrative-territorial units interested in common provision of public services is welcomed. ‘In order to provide quality public services and to regionalize these services it is required cooperation at inter-municipal level’, noted Director of North RDA, expressing gratitude to GIZ for continuous support in the modernization of local public services in the Development Region North.

Together with the participants, GIZ experts Liliana Lucaciu and Ion Beschieru have identified the advantages of inter-municipal cooperation and mechanisms required for initiating the local dialogue to develop inter-municipal cooperation for joint WSS service provision. In this context, the head of Project management section within the North RDA, Bandiu Constantin spoke about lessons learned while developing regional development projects.

Inter-municipal cooperation can improve the quality of public utility services and their promotion from regional perspective can streamline the use of resources and modernize service delivery arrangements. It is one of the conclusions reached by the participants in the event, while there were identified a number of activities for assisting the LPAs in the sustainable development of public service based on inter-municipal cooperation tool under Regional Sector Programmes.