Regional Planning and Programming – Description of Intervention Area

Scope of work:

  • Development of the following Regional Sector Programmes (RSPs): Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS), Solid Waste Management (SWM), Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings (EE (PB)), Regional and Local Roads (RLRs);
  • Project pipeline of ‘ready to finance projects’ (incl. feasibility studies, environmental impact assessments, technical design documents, etc.) for investment in the above sectors;
  • Capacity development of local and regional development actors;
  • Enhancing the capacities of small and medium-sized enterprises to participate in public tender processes by the Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) for infrastructure projects in the four areas.

Activities (2012-2014):

  • Updating Regional Development Strategies by inclusion of the new priority area, Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings.
  • Updating of Regional Operational Plans in Water and Sanitation, Solid Waste Management and Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings.
  • Capacity development of RDAs and Regional Development Councils (RDCs).

Next stages (2014-2015):

Develop projects:

  • from concept to as ready to go as possible;
  • totalling at least an estimated EUR 140 million, including likely investments of around EUR 80 million in SWM, EUR 30 million in WSS, EUR 25 million in EE (PB), EUR 40 million in RLRs.

To complete this work, it is likely that at some stage:

  • further assistance will be needed from other donors or International Financial Institutions (IFIs), which would take over some projects at an appropriate point;
  • there will need to be an alignment between the medium-term public investment programme and the developing pipeline of ‘real’ investments;
  • substantial and prioritised sector reform needs to move in tandem, as already indicated in part in regional sector planning documents.