Members of Regional Sector Commission in the field of Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS RSC) from the Centre Development Region created with the support of GIZ (German Development Cooperation through GIZ) under the ‘Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova’ (MLPS) project met on Thursday, 14 June in the third ordinary meeting.

The event was attended, also, by specialists delegated by local public administrations of Centre Region rayons to WSS RSC technical support group, GIZ advisors and experts, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment (MARDE) and specialists of Centre Regional Development Agency (RDA).

At the beginning of the meeting Petru Veverita, GIZ national advisor made a brief presentation of the agenda and re-сonfirmed that GIZ is open to provide the Commission the necessary support so it carries out its mission efficiently.

Ludmila Gofman, GIZ expert, presented the report on the current situation in the WSS sector in Centre Region based on the results of questionnaires completed by LPA level II and WSS service operators from the region. In conclusion, the expert made a recommendation to the members of commission and responsible persons to pay a special attention to the veracity of data collected on WSS sector as the investments are efficient only if they meet the real needs of the sector.

Vitalie Farima, head of MARDE Service for development funds made a presentation of 134 projects started in the Centre Region funded from the National Ecological Fund (NEF) and spoke about the problems which appear in the course of their implementation.  The MARDE representative, also, made some recommendations on the project concepts eligible under NEF and answered to the questions addressed by the participants at the meeting.

Serafima Tronza, senior consultant from MARDE Division for water resources integrated management policies talked about the advantages and disadvantages of WSS operators’ legal organisational forms in the process of regionalising the service itself.

The Water supply and sanitation general plan for Ialoveni rayon was presented by Nicolae Secrieru, specialist from within Ialoveni Rayon Council. Pavel Panus, director of Ingineria Apelor spoke on the same subject. Thus, the engineer mentioned the technical aspects of the plan and recommended to the authorities certain models of institutionalisation of water supply and sanitation networks which shall be gradually constructed.

Also, at the meeting the Work plan of RSC WSS for the second semester of 2018 was presented and approved. It was developed considering the suggestions and proposals specified by RSC members at the first two ordinary meetings.

As part of the meeting, RSC WSS members confirmed Lilian Carmanu, the current president of Ialoveni rayon as co-chair of the Commission. The co-chair on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment is Nadejda Chilaru, head of Division for water resources integrated management policies.

RSC WSSS was created based on Decision no. 3/05 from 20 September 2017 of Centre RDC. Also, back then, Centre RDC approved the operating rules of the created structure. The functionality of the Commission will be ensured by Centre Regional Development Agency with MLPS project support, implemented by GIZ with financial support of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Romanian Government, Swedish Government, European Union and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

As part of its work, WSS RSC will debate draft decisions elaborating recommendations on them, which will be further, presented at Centre RDC meetings. The Commission will have the task to examine and approve regional development priorities in the WSS sector, promote regional projects among donors and investors, examine with specialised independent expert support the project pipeline, various surveys, analysis and recommendations for the formation of a regional vision on the development of the given sector.