Communicators of regional development agencies and the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC) attended on Friday, the 28th of March, 2014 the workshop on “Possibilities of increasing the coverage of the regional development process”.

At the beginning of the workshop, the participants were familiarized with the results of the monitoring report on the coverage by the media of topics related to regional development in the Republic of Moldova, developed by AIP. The communicators have learned that the media gives an increased interest in particular to regional development projects that have real impact on communities and individuals, focusing on success stories and human stories.

In the workshop were examined ways to improve communication with the media, to increase the visibility of the efforts for regional development in the press. Thus, the instructor Inga Burlacu suggested the participants at the workshop to exploit the specificity for each media institution for their own interest: ‘”online media is becoming an increasingly popular source of information, and it is not tied to a schedule or a day of publication, a fact which gives the communicators some leeway. Unlike in previous years, when projects were still in their early stage, communicators now have an ace up their sleeve, namely the success stories of projects implemented”. The same opinion shared Ecaterina Grigorean, press officer within the MRDC: “I have noticed that the projects, especially the construction process, wake media’s interest, so we must exploit this in communication with journalists”.

The workshop discussed the need to change the style of presentation of information to the media. “Communication specialists must begin thinking like journalists. The press and its interests have changed, which means that communicators should work to keep up. Be different, try changing emphasis in communication, avoid the dry, bureaucratic writing of texts and emphasize the curious things in the field of regional development!” urged the workshop participants Inga Burlacu.

The event was organized within the project “Integrated efforts to promote regional development in the media agenda” funded by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ within the project “Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova”.