Members of Regional Sector Commission on Solid Waste Management (RSC/SWM) from North Development Region created with the support of the German Development Cooperation through GIZ under the ‘Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova’  (MLPS) project gathered on 19 September in a third meeting at Glodeni Rayon Council.

During the meeting, the secretary of RSC/SWM Tatiana Cantemir presented the results of the study visit in the SWM sector in the North-East Region of Romania, with the participation of members of the Speciality Commission of the North Regional Development Council (RDC). In this context, the RSC/SWM members talked about the possibility of taking over the best practices of the North-East Region of Romania which can serve as an example for the North Development Region of the Republic of Moldova.

The RSC/SWM members discussed, also, about the options of arranging temporary landfills in the North Development Region.  Also, the GIZ/MLPS regional advisor Igor Neaga tackled the problem of tariffs/taxes in SWM sector referring to regulation in the given field, as well.

The RSC/SWM was created based on Decision no. 3 from 29 June 2017 of North RDC. Also, back then North RDC approved the operating rules of the created structure. The functionality of the Commission will be ensured by North RDA with support from MLPS project, implemented by GIZ with financial support of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Romanian Government, Swedish Government, European Union and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

As part of its work, RSC/SWM will debate draft decisions elaborating recommendations on them, which will be further, presented at North RDC meetings. The Commission will have the task to examine and approve regional development priorities in the SWM sector, promote regional projects among donors and investors, examine with specialised independent expert support the project pipeline, various surveys, analysis and recommendations for the formation of a regional vision on the development of the given sector.