Today, 22 September 2015, at the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC) was held a meeting of the inter-ministerial working group, which aimed at presenting the draft National Strategy for Regional Development (NSRD) 2020 and the results of the Evaluation report of NSRD for 2010-2015.

Anatol Usatii, Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Construction said: ‘The opinions and recommendations of other ministries are very important in the development of NSRD 2020. In order to have a qualitative document it requires two essential elements, on the one hand synergy on the other cooperation with other ministries which deal with the regional development process in Moldova’.

Piotr Zygadlo, Deputy Head of Development strategies and policies coordination Directorate of the Ministry of Instrastructure and Development of Poland (MIDP) stated: ‘The host of today’s event and the main actor in the regional development process is MRDC, but inter-ministerial cooperation is very important. Only by this way the successful implementation of regional development policies can be achieved’.

Alexandr Muravschi, GIZ National Leading Policy Advisor on Regional and Local Development stressed that ‘the two issues that were discussed today can not be separated and emerge one from another. First, it had to be done the evaluation of previous strategies and after analysis obtained, the new document to be drafted – NSRD 2020 – the vision and the main objective of which is balanced and sustainable development of all regions in the country’.

We would like to recall that during the period 21 – 23 September 2015 in Chisinau takes place the fourth round of consultations of the working group on the development of the Strategy 2020. Within working meetings, national and international experts discuss the draft NSRD 2020 and the results of the evaluation report of NSRD 2010-2015. Tomorrow, 23 September, will be held a totalisation meeting where conclusions, recommendations and future activities are presented.