Experts from six countries such as Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Ukraine, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova visited yesterday, the 3rd of April, the Regional Hospital in Orhei. Representatives of the six countries are participants of LIFE Academy training program. The purpose of the visit was to familiarize with the project “Increasing energy efficiency of Orhei Regional Hospital”. This visit took place within the training program which aims to achieve sustainable and strategic energy efficiency in the participants’ countries.

“Increasing energy efficiency of Orhei Regional Hospital” project, implemented by the Regional Development Agency Center (RDA Center), and funded by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ, is the subject of the case study for this group of experts.

At the regional hospital the participants met with Vice president of Orhei rayon, the director of the hospital and the energy management team of the medical point.

“Increasing energy efficiency of Orhei Regional Hospital” project was named as the Best Project in Energy Efficiency in the public sector for 2012. Through projects implemented in recent years, Orhei Rayon Hospital has managed to become a model of energy efficiency. Beyond the fact that last year the institution has saved over 400 thousand MDL, the hospital has become more attractive to patients from other rayons. Although the hospital is called to be of the rayon, the project has a regional impact. The medical institution is considered a model of energy management and manages to attract patients from other three neighboring rayon: Soldaneti, Rezina and Telenesti.

Sida requested LIFE Academy to conduct this advanced training program on efficient planning and use of energy. The program is implemented in collaboration with the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and Regional Energy Agency of Värmland, a regional agency for energy efficiency and planning.

The program aims at development and poverty reduction through the use of available energy in a more efficient manner. The program will deal with efficient use of energy and planning in different sectors of society.